Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I've been drinking a new bottle of French absinthe that I purchased a few days ago. So far its made me spruik wildly outside the Town Hall while profering free copies of The Pun, lounge decadently while listening to approximately 15 new release albums and CD's that I'm considering playing on my RRR show tomorrow, and it's given me some really, really intersting dreams (involving superheroes, South-East Asian mammals they have psychic connections to, and lizards).

Oh yeah, and a hangover.

Mmmmmm, absinthe.


ekstasis said...

oh yeah baby...
absinthe is my decadent drink of choice... it makes me feel like such a bohemian...

ps. I did the taggy thing ages ago, but I forgot to tell you that I did it... WHOOPS!

Tim Norton said...

Your spruiking was most enthusiastic, and very welcome.
I had a dream about you last night Mr Richard - it was very odd. I was searching for my retarded brother (my brother is not retarded, just an artist), and I knocked on your door to be greeted by a naked Shaun Micallef, who asked me to leave the two of you alone. So I did.
Are you sleeping with Micallef?

richardwatts said...

LOL - no, I am NOT sleeping with Shaun Micallef, but that doesn't stop me asking what he looked like naked.. ;-)

Tim Norton said...
